Sunday 18 August 2013

Bodhidharma Shaolin Myth - YouTube

I draw to the conclusion that the infamous Bodhidharma story is a myth. If you try to percieve this story a historical fact then it won't make sense for one individual to invent all styles of Martial Arts in the middle ages. If you use your critical thinking. Martial Arts originated in military battles. How many historical wars happened before this Tamil Monks time? China had many indigenous combative systems centuries before the dark ages.

Check out this video version, I recommend you pause the video here and there for reading purposes. 
Bodhidharma Shaolin Myth - YouTube

Recommended Reading:

They Came Before Bodhidharma
Origin of Martial Arts: The Real History
African Contributions to the World
Who is Bodhirharma?

Jonathan Bynoe